Information for Fall 2023

The Department of Asian Languages and Cultures looks forward to a great 2023-2021 academic year, even if it looks and feels different than any other year we have experienced before. As many of us research, teach, and study remotely this Fall, chances for in-person conversations about ALC and our majors and minors, our courses, and our thriving community of students and faculty may be diminished. But that does not mean we are not here for you, eagerly waiting to answer your questions and welcome you to our department. Please click the contact button for information on how to contact our department faculty and staff members with any questions you may have about our various majors and minors, courses, faculty expertise, language and culture areas, department events and more. We look forward to hearing from you!
What we offer:
- 手机怎么上youtube
- Majors and Minors
- Courses
- First-Year Focus
- Language Placement
- Study Abroad
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Learn More

Treasure Seeker
With research that adds important female voices to Tibetan Buddhism, Sarah Jacoby goes deep to examine the roots of human suffering, the path to liberation, and what the ‘Me Too’ movement may mean for global Buddhism.
Phyllis Lyons in the New York Times
Read a review of Phyllis Lyons' translation of Junichiro Tanizaki's In Black and White in The New York Times
Corey Byrnes receives Honorable Mention
Corey Byrnes' Fixing Landscape: A Techno-Poetic History of China's Three Gorges receives Honorable Mention for ACLA's Harry Levin Prize for outstanding first book in comparative literature.怎样登录外网的软件

Prathyusha Chenji '15
One of the department’s first Majors reflects on fond memories of faculty and courses in Asian Languages and Cultures.
There are no upcoming events at this time